Les Règles

#25 - Sur la Balle (On the Ball)

This player may move up to 3 squares (regardless of their MA), following all of the normal movement rules, when the opposing coach declares that one of their players is going to perform a Pass action.
This move is made after the range has been measured and the target square declared, but before the active player makes a Passing ability test. Making this move interrupts the activation of the opposition player performing the Pass action.
A player may use this skill when an opposition player uses the Dump-Off skill, but should this player Fall Over whilst moving, a Turnover is caused.
Additionally, during each Start of Drive sequence, after Step 2 but before Step 3, one Open player with this skill on the receiving team may move up to 3 squares (regardless of their MA). This skill may not be used if a touchback is caused when the kick deviates and does not allow the player to cross into their opponent's half of the pitch.


Q: Can multiple players from the same team use the On The Ball skill in response to the same Pass action? If so, what happens if one of them Falls Over before the others have been able to use the On The Ball skill? (p.79)
A: Yes. However, if one player Falls Over before the others have been able to use the On The Ball skill then the sequence ends and no further players can move.
Q: If multiple players on a team have the On the Ball skill, can they all move if an opposition player declares a Pass action? (p.79)
A: Yes if their controlling coach wishes.
Q: In Blood Bowl Sevens, can a player with the On the Ball skill use it to move into the area between both Lines of Scrimmage? (p.94)
A: Yes.
Q: Can the Dodge skill be used on moves outside of a player's activation, such as those provided from On the Ball, or the Blitz result on the Kick-off Event table? (p.75)
A: No. The Dodge skill can only be used to re-roll a Dodge roll during that player's activation during their own team turn.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Alors que dans tous les stades du vieux continent les matchs de Blood Bowl fessaient rage, les instances dirigeantes de la N.A.F débattaient sur un des plus grand ravage de ce sport ;la corruption des arbitres. Et il fut décidé en haut lieu d� remédier. Il est vrai que les arbitres ne fessaient par forcement le poids face à un orque noir, un guerrier du chaos ou un ogre. Et pour parer à toutes ces créatures, on invoqua les démons du Warp. Une unité fut créer pour épaulé les arbitres : le S.W.A.T,ou Spécial Warp Arbitral Team. Mais dès le début de sa création, une polémique éclata ! Les dirigeants de la N.A.F firent tous ce pataquès car eux-mêmes ne recevaient pas suffisamment de pot de vin�

Fausse Pub

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