Les Règles

#41 - Stabilité (Stand firm)

This player may choose not to be pushed back, either as the result of a Block action made against them or by a chain-push. Using this Skill does not prevent an opposition player with the Frenzy skill from performing a second Block action if this player is still Standing after the first.


Q: Can the Strip Ball skill be used to make a player who used the Stand Firm skill drop the ball? (p.77 & 80)
A: Yes, if the player chooses not to be pushed back, they will drop the ball in the square they are standing in.

Q: If a player is pushed by a Waaagh! Drummer, can they still use Skills that would come into effect when that player would be pushed such as Sidestep or Stand Firm? (p.36)
A: Yes.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

A l'issue d'un match opposant les Black Bitches au PSG, Scampi Rotten tomba sous le charme de Jérôme, lineman humain. Les transferts étant formellement interdits, Scampi la raclure proposa d'échanger discrètement Jérôme contre un de ses linemen elfes. Souhaitons aux deux joueurs concernés une bonne intégration dans leurs nouvelles équipes.

Fausse Pub

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