Les Règles

#60 - Regard hypnotique (Hypnotic gaze)

During their activation, this player may perform a ‘Hypnotic Gaze’ Special action. There is no limit to how many players with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn. To perform a Hypnotic Gaze Special action, nominate a single Standing opposition player that has not lost their Tackle Zone and that this player is Marking. Then make an Agility test for this player, applying a -1 modifier for every player (other than the nominated player) that is Marking this player. If the test is passed, the nominated player loses their Tackle Zone until they are next activated. This player may move before performing this Special action, following all of the normal movement rules. However, once this Special action has been performed, this player may not move further and their activation comes to an end.


Un joueur qui est hypnotisé perd sa zone de tacle, et donc ne peut utiliser aucune compétence tant qu'il est dans cet état (Blocage, Esquive, Crane Epais...). Cela concerne les compétences, à ne pas confondre avec les traits (Regeneration, Minus...) qui fonctionnent toujours.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lors de la conférence de presse organisée pour la creation de l'equipe orque "Fanatic Babouins", tous les journalistes posèrent la meme question au capitaine et blitzeur de l'equipe,le celèbre JOKOKO : "Quel serait l'objectif de l'equipe lors de la saison de Blood Bowl?" et JOKOKO de répondre : "Ehhh ? hummm ! bahhh ?!? c'est quoi le blood bowl???".

Fausse Pub

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