Les Règles

#67 - Minus (Stunty)

When this player makes an Agility test in order to Dodge, they ignore any -1 modifiers for being Marked in the square they have moved into, unless they also have either the Bombardier trait, the Chainsaw trait or the Swoop trait. However, when an opposition player attempts to interfere with a Pass action performed by this player, that player may apply a +1 modifier to their Agility test. Finally, players with this Trait are more prone to injury. Therefore, when an Injury roll is made against this player, roll 2D6 and consult the Stunty Injury table, on page 60.

This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Ils ne se supportent pas ! Lorsque le coureur d'égouts n°11 des RATP et le kroxigor des Notorious Insidiousss se retrouvent sur le terrain, ça se termine toujours chez l'apothicaire. Sonné par le rat intrépide, le lézard géant a tenu à remettre les choses au point. Résultat: un rongeur avec le crâne fracassé et -1 en armure. Il a promis de se venger dès qu'il est sorti du comas !

Fausse Pub

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