Les Règles

Krot Shockwhisker (krot shockwhisker)

Défi des Bas-Fonds / (Underworld Challenge)

Coût : 70000 PO

Catégorie : 0-2 (in)famous coaching staff

Quantité : 0-1

Autorisé(e) pour : Gobelins, Skavens, Snotlings, Underworld



Once per game, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, Krot can experiment on a player who has been removed from play as a Casualty, in an attempt to get them back out there. Choose a player that is in the Casualty box of Krot’s team dugout (not a Mercenary or a Star Player). This may even be a player that has suffered a Casualty table result of 15-16, DEAD. Roll a D6 on the table opposite and apply the result to the chosen player:

  • 1 There Were… Complications: The player’s condition has worsened. The coach of the opposing team rolls on the Casualty table to determine exactly what has happened to the player. The result of this roll is applied immediately, in addition to any other Casualty table results already applied. Note that multiple Miss Next Game results do not stack.
  • 2-3 Useless Flesh-thing! Krot’s tinkering has no effect and the player remains in the Casualty box.
  • 4-5 Flawed Execution: The player is returned to the Reserves box and can be set up with the rest of the team. However, until the end of the next drive, they gain the Really Stupid (4+) trait. If they already have the Really Stupid (4+) trait, it is replaced with the Really Stupid (5+) trait. At the end of this drive, the player is returned to the Casualty box, where the effects of the Casualty roll that was previously made against them are applied as normal.
  • 6 Witness Perfection! The player is returned to the Reserves box and can be set up with the rest of the team. At the end of this drive, the player is returned to the Casualty box, where the effects of the Casualty roll that was previously made against them are applied as normal.
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Il semblerait que SSB, le coach des "Grenouilles de Bénitier", use et abuse d'entrainements extrêmement fatiguant pour son équipe. Le nombre de mort et de blessés graves enregistré durant ces entrainements dépasserait la moyenne sur une saison complète de Lutececup. On a même entendu dire que, pour ce faire, il faisait du recrutement de jeunes coachs avide de gloire dans le seul but de martyriser leurs équipes simplement pour préparer des phases de jeu on ne peut plus douteuses à appliquer en match officiel. Pathétique.......

Fausse Pub

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