Les Règles

#71 - Animal sauvage (Animal Savagery)

When this player is activated, even if they are Prone or have lost their Tackle Zone, immediately after declaring the action they will perform but before performing the action, roll a D6, applying a +2 modifier to the dice roll if you declared the player would perform a Block or Blitz action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action):

  • On a roll of 1-3, this player lashes out at their team-mates: One Standing team-mate of your choice that is currently adjacent to this player is immediately Knocked Down by this player. This does not cause a Turnover unless the Knocked Down player was in possession of the ball. After making an Armour roll (and possible Injury roll) against the Knocked Down player, this player may continue their activation and complete their declared action if able. Note that, if this player has any applicable Skills, the coach of the opposing team may use them when making an Armour roll (and possible Injury roll) against the Knocked Down player. - If this player is not currently adjacent to any Standing team-mates, this player's activation ends immediately. Additionally, this player loses their Tackle Zone until they are next activated.
  • On a roll of 4+, this player continues their activation as normal and completes their declared action.
    If you declared that this player would perform an action which can only be performed once per team turn and this player's activation ended before the action could be completed, the action is considered to have been performed and no other player on your team may perform the same action this team turn.

Q: If, during a Blitz kick-off event, a player with the Animal Savagery trait knocks down a player on their team as part of the Animal Savagery trait, will that cause the Blitz kick-off event to immediately end? (p.41 & p.81)
A: No.

Q: If a player with the Animal Savagery trait also has the Jump Up skill, do they still get the +2 to the roll if they wish to attempt to make a Block action while prone? (p.75 & 81)
A: Yes.

Q: If my player with Animal Savagery trait lashes out against my own teammate and also has the Pile Driver skill, is my opponent able to make me perform a foul against my own teammate? (p.81)
A: No, they cannot force you to use the Pile Driver skill.

Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow (X+) (or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury rolls), or can they choose not to? (p.81)
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for the player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and Mighty Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as being the result of a Block action.

Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow (X+) (or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury rolls), or can they choose not to? (p.81)
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for the player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and Mighty Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as being the result of a Block action.

Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a team-mate that hasn't yet activated during that team turn, can the Knocked Down player still activate provided they haven't been Stunned or removed from the pitch? (p.81)
A: Yes.

Q: Will a Prone player that fails its roll for Animal Savagery still lash out against a team-mate? (p.81)
A: Yes.

Q: If a model with the Animal Savagery trait wishes to use the Hypnotic Gaze trait, will the bonus +2 to their Animal Savagery roll as if they were performing a Block or a Blitz action? (p.81 & 85)
A: No.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

"Il y avait quelque chose de Blanchard sur le terrain ce soir" C'est en ces termes élogieux que le coach Pedro a commenté le match réalisé par Mamadou Moon à l'issue du premier tour de la chocolate cup qui a opposé les Agressions Caractérisées au Havena's Dodgers de Phanos lors de la saison 2008-2009. En effet, survitaminé par l'humiliant souvenir de la défaite lors de la même compétition 3 ans auparavant, Mamadou Moon avait prévenu qu'il ferait ce cette soirée un enfer pour Gobelin. Il a tenu parole avec 2 morts et 3 BG à lui seul face à des gobs terrorisés. Lorsqu'on lui a demandé ce qu'il pensait du record presque atteint de Blanchard avec 6 sorties dans le même match il a répondu : "J'ai un grand respect pour cet esthète du jeu et simplement m'approcher de son record est un véritable honneur". Mamadou a eu d'ailleurs les yeux plein de larmes lorsque Pedro est venu lui donner les corps sans vie de ses deux malheureuses victimes en le félicitant...C'est tout de même beau le blood bowl.

Fausse Pub

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