Les Règles

Prêtre–Mage Slann (slann mage-priest)

Super-ligue de Lustrie / (Lustrian Superleague)

Coût : 200000 PO

Catégorie : 0-1 Wizard

Quantité : 0-1

Autorisé(e) pour : Amazones, Hommes lézards, Slanns


Once per game, a Wizard may cast one of the following spells:


You may cast this spell immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Both turn markers must move in the same direction. Declare whether you wish to move the turn markers forwards one space or backwards one space and roll a D6:

  • On a roll of 5+, the spell is successful and the turn markers are moved.
  • On a roll of 1-4, the stadium fills with light and the strangely localised effects cause the High Mage to rapidly age or become unexpectedly more youthful, but otherwise the spell has no effect.


    You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. For the duration of this team turn, there is a -1 modifier applied to the dice roll every time an opposition player attempts to Rush. Note that this modifier applies alongside any other modifiers that apply to attempts to Rush.


    You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. Choose two Standing players from your team that do not have the Loner (X+) trait and that are not in possession of the ball from among those on the pitch, and roll a D6:

  • On a roll of 3+, these two players immediately switch places.
  • On a roll of 1 or 2, the players become slightly transparent as they waver between realities! Until the start of your next team turn, these two players lose their Tackle Zone and gain the No Hands trait.
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lorsque l'envoyé spécial de l'Epique Magazine demanda à Emmitt Smith, célèbre blitzer de Rage Machine, la traditionnelle question de début d'interview "A votre avis, quelles sont vos chances de finir cette saison ?", Emmitt brisa une bouteille sur la table et lâcha un "Meilleures que les tiennes, Barnabé !".

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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