Les Règles

Sorcier (hireling sports-wizard)

Tous / (Any)

Également connu sous le nom d'Harry Potter, bien que cela n'en fasse pas un mage "nommé"


Once per game, a Hireling Sports-Wizard may cast one of the following spells:


You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. Choose a target square anywhere on the pitch and roll a D6 for each Standing player (from either team) that occupies either the target square or a square adjacent to it:

  • On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Fireball.
  • On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the Fireball.
    Any Standing players hit by the Fireball are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Fireball, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.


    You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Target any opposition player and roll a D6:

  • If the roll is equal to or higher than the player’s Strength characteristic, or is a natural 6, that player turns into a frog for the remainder of the drive, after which their coach will secure emergency magical assistance to turn the player back into their original form.
  • If the roll is lower than the player’s Strength characteristic, the player develops a fresh crop of warts, but the spell has no further effect.
    If the player was in possession of the ball when they were turned into a frog, it is dropped and will bounce. When a roll on the Casualty table is required against the frog, no roll is made. Instead, it is automatically treated as if a Badly Hurt result had been rolled. The frog must miss the rest of the game and cannot be patched-up by an apothecary (because it’s a frog!). At the end of the game, the player is returned to normal shape with no ill effects.
    The frog has the following profile:
MA ST AG PA AV Skills & Traits
Frog 5 1 2+ - 5+ Dodge, Leap, No Hands, Stunty, Titchy, Very Long Legs
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

L'équipe du Plouvien BBC obtint lors de la saison 2004-2005 la Palme d'Or de la Meilleure Passeuse avec 68 passes en 15 matchs. Paradoxalement aucun des joueurs de l'équipe ne figurait dans le Top 10 des passeurs ! Il s'avéra alors que l'ensemble des joueurs en avait marre de se faire blitzer à tout bout de champ à cause du sous-nombre récurrent dont l'équipe souffrait. Le porteur du ballon essayait alors de se débarasser systématiquement du ballon en le refilant à un coéquipier ce qui donnait, vu des tribunes, l'impression d'assister au jeu de la passe à dix !

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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