Les Règles

#111 - Passe Assurée (Safe Pass)

Should this player fumble a Pass action, the ball is not dropped, does not bounce from the square this player occupies, and no Turnover is caused. Instead, this player retains possession of the ball and their activation ends.


Q: If a player with the Safe Pass skill and Running Pass skill fumbles a Pass action, does their activation end or can they make use of Running Pass? (p.79)
A: Their activation will end.
Q: What happens when a player with the Bombardier trait and the Safe Pass skill fumbles a throw when making a Throw Bomb Special action? (p.79 & 83)
A: The bomb will not be dropped and will not explode in the player's hands. The player's activation will still end.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lors de la dernière rencontre exibition de l'équipe orque "Fanatic Babouins", le coach eu le malheur d'exorter son capitaine et blitzeur Jokoko à courir vers la zone d'en-but. En effet, ce dernier avait la balle et pouvait arracher le match nul. Le match fut perdu et on mit plus de huit jours à retrouver Jokoko...

Fausse Pub

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