Les Règles

#113 - Bagarreur (Brawler)

When this player performs a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), this player may re-roll a single Both Down result.


Q: If a player re-rolls a single dice from a dice pool with a Skill (e.g., Brawler), can they then use a team re-roll to allow them to re-roll the other dice from the same dice pool? (p.24)
A: No. Q: A player with both the Pro skill and Brawler skill performs Block, rolls two Block Dice and rolls Both Down on both dice, can the controlling coach choose to use Brawler on one of the dice, and then subsequently attempt to use Pro on the other dice that has not yet been rerolled? (p.77 & 80)
A: Yes, so long as the same dice is not re-rolled more than once.
Q: If a player has both the Pro and Brawler skills, can they re-roll a single Both Down result for the Brawler skill, and then use the Pro skill to attempt to re-roll another dice from the same dice pool? (p.77 & 80)
A: Yes, so long as the same dice isn't re-rolled more than once.
Q: Brawler states that a player can use this skill when making a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action). Can a player with this skill use it when it has an assist from a friendly player? (p.80)
A: Yes. The 'on its own' part simply means it can only be used as a regular Block action, and not part of another action that includes a Block (such as a Blitz action).
Q: Can a player with the Ball & Chain trait use the Brawler skill? (p.82)
A: Yes

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Rapport de match hommes-lézards suite a une défaite: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr kakatopa gogo lomati fafako takami popo caca sobek sotek olmek... Rapport de match hommes-lézards suite a un match nul: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rarazeto gugujoko narezak dodo coco nolata sek sotek olmek sobek... Rapport de match hommes-lézards suite a une victoire: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi yaya tokoto popolo mmmummm titikaka bobo jojo katoza paz sotek olmek sobek... Voila ce qu'a pu retranscrire le coatch humain José lors de sa fonction d'entraineur de l'equipe"Les Fils de Sotek"lors de la saison 2007-2008. A ce jour,nul n'a pu traduire ce dialecte...

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