Les Règles

#123 - Trickster (Trickster)

When this player is about to be hit by a Block action or a Special action that replaces a Block action (with the exception of a Block action caused by the Ball & Chain Move Special action), before determining how many dice are rolled, they may be removed from the pitch and placed in any other unoccupied square adjacent to the player performing the Block action. The Block action then takes place as normal. If the player using this Trait is holding the ball and places themselves in the opposition End Zone, the Block action will still be fully resolved before any touchdown is resolved.


Q: When a player uses the Trickster trait, does the player being removed from the pitch and then placed again count as the player moving? (p.5)
A: No; it is a placement not a movement. As such, any rules that interact with a player moving, such as the Shadowing or Tentacles skills, will not come into effect.
Q: If a player uses the Trickster trait and places themselves in a square containing the ball, do they attempt to pick it up? (p.5)
A: No; it is a placement not a movement. As such, the ball will immediately bounce in the same manner as if the player had been pushed back.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Il existe des entraineurs capables de sublimer une equipe halfling et d'avoir un bilan sportif pas loin d'être équilibré avec une telle équipe. Mais il existe aussi des coachs capable d'avoir un bilan parfaitement équilibré contre ces mêmes halfling. Amaranth, glorieux coach internationalement titré est arrivé sur la saison 09-10 a jouer 3 fois contres des halflings et a faire 1 victoire, 1 match nul, 1 défaite et néanmoins arriver à presque se qualifier pour les play off. Une enquête est d'ailleurs en cours pour clarifier certains points : notamment sur les sombres circonstances dans lesquelles il a gagné son seul match contre ces halflings.

Fausse Pub

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