Les Règles

#13 - Délestage (Dump-off)

If this player is nominated as the target of a Block action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action) and if they are in possession of the ball, they may immediately perform a Quick Pass action, interrupting the activation of the opposition player performing the Block action (or Special action) to do so.
This Quick Pass action cannot cause a Turnover, but otherwise all of the normal rules for passing the ball apply.
Once the Quick Pass action is resolved, the active player performs the Block action and their team turn continues.


Si le joueur avec cette compétence est la cible d'un blitz et qu'il choisit d'utiliser la compétence, il doit le faire avant que le joueur adverse ne se soit déplacé.

Q: If a player with a Trait that requires them to roll a dice to see if they can activate normally (such as Bone Head or Unchanneled Fury) and wishes to declare a player with either the Foul Appearance or Dump-off skills as the target of an action, do they roll for their Trait or for the opposing player's Skill first? (p.78 & 79)
A: The player will first nominate the target of their action, then roll for their Trait, and then the opposing player will use their Skill.
Q: Can a player with both the Dump-off and the Pass skills use the Pass skill when making a Pass action as part of the Dumpoff skill? (p.79)
A: Yes.
Q: When a player with the Dump-off skill is nominated as the target of a Blitz action, when do they make their Quick Pass action? (p.79)
A: As soon as they are nominated as the target of the Blitz action.
Q: Can a player with both the Bombardier trait and the Dumpoff skill use the Dump-off skill to perform a Throw Bomb Special action when they are chosen as the target of a Block Action? (p.79 & 83)
A: No.

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Le Saviez-Vous ?

Il existe des entraineurs capables de sublimer une equipe halfling et d'avoir un bilan sportif pas loin d'être équilibré avec une telle équipe. Mais il existe aussi des coachs capable d'avoir un bilan parfaitement équilibré contre ces mêmes halfling. Amaranth, glorieux coach internationalement titré est arrivé sur la saison 09-10 a jouer 3 fois contres des halflings et a faire 1 victoire, 1 match nul, 1 défaite et néanmoins arriver à presque se qualifier pour les play off. Une enquête est d'ailleurs en cours pour clarifier certains points : notamment sur les sombres circonstances dans lesquelles il a gagné son seul match contre ces halflings.

Fausse Pub

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