Les Règles

#15 - Parade (Fend)

If this player is pushed back as the result of any block dice result being applied against them, they may choose to prevent the player that pushed them back from following-up.
However, the player that pushed them back may continue to move as part of a Blitz action if they have Movement Allowance remaining or by Rushing.
This Skill cannot be used when this player is chain-pushed, against a player with the Ball & Chain trait or against a player with the Juggernaut skill that performed the Block action as part of a Blitz.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Ils ne se supportent pas ! Lorsque le coureur d'égouts n°11 des RATP et le kroxigor des Notorious Insidiousss se retrouvent sur le terrain, ça se termine toujours chez l'apothicaire. Sonné par le rat intrépide, le lézard géant a tenu à remettre les choses au point. Résultat: un rongeur avec le crâne fracassé et -1 en armure. Il a promis de se venger dès qu'il est sorti du comas !

Fausse Pub

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