Les Règles

#17 - Frénésie (Frenzy)

Every time this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), they must follow-up if the target is pushed back and if they are able.
If the target is still Standing after being pushed back, and if this player was able to follow-up, this player must then perform a second Block action against the same target, again following-up if the target is pushed back.
If this player is performing a Blitz action, performing a second Block action will also cost them one square of their Movement Allowance.
If this player has no Movement Allowance left to perform a second Block action, they must Rush to do so. If they cannot Rush, they cannot perform a second Block action.
Note that if an opposition player in possession of the ball is pushed back into your End Zone and is still Standing, a touchdown will be scored, ending the drive. In this case, the second Block action is not performed.
A player with this Skill cannot also have the Grab skill.


Q: If a player with the Frenzy skill performs a Block action against a Rooted player and rolls a Push Back, does the player with Frenzy still get to perform a second Block even though the Rooted player cannot be pushed back? (p.77 & 87)
A: Yes.

Q: If a player has both the Frenzy skill and the Stab trait, if they declare a Block action which results in a Pushed Back result when they follow up and have to perform a second Block action, can they then use the Stab trait to replace the second Block action with the Stab Special action? (p.77 & 86)
A: Yes.

Q: When a player with the Frenzy skill makes a Block action against a player with Foul Appearance, if the first Block action results in the player following up and performing a second Block action, do they need to make another roll for Foul Appearance? (p.77 & 78)
A: Yes.

Q: Can Hit and Run be used after a Block performed by a player with the Frenzy skill resulting in a Push Back, in order to move away from the targeted player and not perform the second Block? (p.5)
A: No. Frenzy requires the player to have to follow up and perform the second Block. Hit and Run may be used after this second Block as normal, if applicable.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

LE LIVRE ANEDVARK DES RECORDS La carrière la plus courte d’un joueur ayant mis les pieds sur un terrain de Blood bowl est détenu par le blitzer slann des “saut devant” coaché par le légendaire Frakas : LE GRAND (ça ne s’invente pas ???? même si Lecourt aurait été plus adapté) LEGRAND ne joua qu’un seul match lors de la 1ere journée de la saison 2524, contre le “clan mc noy” de Bozo. Malheureusement pour lui sur le blizzzzz du coup d’envoi …. Il trouva la mort dès le tour 0 LEGRAND ne sera même pas resté un tour de jeu sur le terrain Un bien bel effort quoi qu éphémère … Les fans furieux ont d’ailleurs demandé le remboursement de leur maillot floqué LEGRAND La légende dit même que ses coéquipiers a la mi-temps pensaient qu’il était encore a la buvette et allait rentrer en 2eme période Un investissement ultra rentable de 110.000 PO si vous voulez l avis d Anedvark….

Fausse Pub

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