Les Règles

#37 - Poursuite (Shadowing)

This player can use this Skill when an opposition player they are Marking voluntarily moves out of a square within this player's Tackle Zone.
Roll a D6, adding the MA of this player to the roll and then subtracting the MA of the opposition player.
If the result is 6 or higher, or if the roll is a natural 6, this player may immediately move into the square vacated by the opposition player (this player does not need to Dodge to make this move).
If, however, the result is 5 or lower, or if the roll is a natural 1, this Skill has no further effect.
A player may use this Skill any number of times per turn, during either team's turn. If an opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.


Q: If a player attempts to Dodge away from a player with the Shadowing skill, which roll happens first: the Dodge roll or the roll for Shadowing? (p.77)
A: The Dodge roll will happen first, and once the Dodge has been resolved the opposing player may roll for Shadowing if they wish.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Des avantages du blizzard... Au cours de son match d'entame de la ligue 2007-2008, le Doc Groznik profita du manque de visibilité sur le terrain du au blizzard qui soufflait sur le stade du Va là! Là! pour engager 13 joueurs... Scampi se demandait pourquoi il ne passait pas. A la fin de la première mi temps, une accalmie révéla le pot aux roses et l'arbitre, furieux, expédia deux joueurs chaotiques out pour le reste du match, faisant fi du règlement... Pour sur, ça jasa!

Fausse Pub

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