Les Règles

#51 - Lutte (Wrestle)

This player may use this Skill when a Both Down result is applied, either when they perform a Block action or when they are the target of a Block action.
Instead of applying the Both Down result as normal, and regardless of any other Skills either player may possess, both players are Placed Prone.


Q: Can a player that has been Rooted as per the Take Root trait use a skill such as Pile Driver or Wrestle in order to place themselves Prone and therefore no longer be Rooted? (p.87)
A: Yes.

Q: What happens if a player with the Bloodlust (X+) trait fails the Bloodlust roll and is then placed Prone as a result of the Wrestle skill during a Block action? (p.5)
A: Then the player with the Bloodlust (X+) has been unable to bite a Thrall, a Turnover is caused and the Vampire will lose their Tackle Zone until they are next activated.

Q: Can players that are Prone, Stunned, or have lost their Tackle Zone still use skills such as Dodge, Block, Sidestep or Wrestle (amongst others)? (p.74)
A: No. A player that is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone cannot use any Skills or Traits unless it is specifically stated in the description of that Skill or Trait.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Frank'n'Chteïn l'apothicaire des HARLEQUINS (aussi surnommé "The Black Butcher"), a joué autrefois 11 saisons en tant que Bloqueur Orque Noir dans l'équipe des Arach'Rotules. C'est suite à sa 87ème intervention chirurgicale qu'il a décidé de mettre fin à sa carrière de joueur, pour embrasser celle de soigneur, pouvant ainsi faire subir aux autres, les sévices qu'il a enduré pendant ces 11 longues années�

Fausse Pub

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