Les Règles

#54 - Fureur Débridée (Unchannelled Fury)

When this player is activated, even if they are Prone or have lost their Tackle Zone, immediately after declaring the action they will perform but before performing the action, roll a D6, applying a +2 modifier to the dice roll if you declared the player would perform a Block or Blitz action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action): • On a roll of 1-3, this player rages incoherently at others but achieves little else. Their activation ends immediately. • On a roll of 4+, this player continues their activation as normal and completes their declared action. If you declared that this player would perform an action which can only be performed once per team turn and this player’s activation ended before the action could be completed, the action is considered to have been performed and no other player on your team may perform the same action this team turn.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

La saison 2004-2005 ouvre ses portes, et de nouvelles équipes arrivent.... Parmi toutes les nouveautés présentes remarquons le contrat particulier qui lie l'Amicale des Supporters de l'équipe gobeline "Foul selected" avec le coach de ladite équipe.... une clause stipule qu'un minimum de 5 agressions par match doivent être commises si les joueurs désirent conserver leur intégrité physique pour leur prochain match... Gageons qu'au dela d'une contrainte, les joueurs trouveront là une motivation supplémentaire pour rentrer sur le terrain.

Fausse Pub

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