Les Règles

#55 - Bombardier (Bombardier)

When activated and if they are Standing, this player can perform a ‘Throw Bomb’ Special action. This Special action is neither a Pass action nor a Throw Team-mate action, so does not prevent another player performing one of those actions during the same team turn. However, only a single player with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn. A Bomb can be thrown and caught, and the throw interfered with, just like a ball, using the rules for Pass actions as described on page 48, with the following exceptions: • A player may not stand up or move before performing a Throw Bomb action. • Bombs do not bounce and can come to rest on the ground in an occupied square. Should a player fail to catch a Bomb, it will come to rest on the ground in the square that player occupies. • If a Bomb is fumbled, it will explode immediately in the square occupied by the player attempting to throw it. • If a Bomb comes to rest on the ground in an empty square or is caught by an opposition player, no Turnover is caused. • A player that is in possession of the ball can still catch a Bomb. • Any Skills that can be used when performing a Pass action can also be used when performing a Throw Bomb Special action, with the exception of On the Ball. If a Bomb is caught by a player on either team, roll a D6: • On a roll of 4+, the Bomb explodes immediately, as described below. • On a roll of 1-3, that player must throw the Bomb again immediately. This throw takes place out of the normal sequence of play. Should a Bomb ever leave the pitch, it explodes in the crowd with no effect (on the game) before the crowd can throw it back. When a Bomb comes to rest on the ground, in either an unoccupied square, in a square occupied by a player that failed to catch the Bomb or in a square occupied by a Prone or Stunned player, it will explode immediately: • If the Bomb explodes in an occupied square, that player is automatically hit by the explosion. • Roll a D6 for each player (from either team) that occupies a square adjacent to the one in which the Bomb exploded: - On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the explosion. - On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the explosion. • Any Standing players hit by the explosion are Knocked Down. • An Armour roll (and possibly an Injury roll as well) is made against any player hit by the explosion, even if they were already Prone or Stunned.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Frank'n'Chteïn l'apothicaire des HARLEQUINS (aussi surnommé "The Black Butcher"), a joué autrefois 11 saisons en tant que Bloqueur Orque Noir dans l'équipe des Arach'Rotules. C'est suite à sa 87ème intervention chirurgicale qu'il a décidé de mettre fin à sa carrière de joueur, pour embrasser celle de soigneur, pouvant ainsi faire subir aux autres, les sévices qu'il a enduré pendant ces 11 longues années�

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