Q: If, during a Blitz kick-off event, a player with the Animal
Savagery trait knocks down a player on their team as part of the
Animal Savagery trait, will that cause the Blitz kick-off event to
immediately end? (p.41 & p.81)
A: No.
Q: If a player with the Animal Savagery trait also has the Jump
Up skill, do they still get the +2 to the roll if they wish to attempt
to make a Block action while prone? (p.75 & 81)
A: Yes.
Q: If my player with Animal Savagery trait lashes out against my
own teammate and also has the Pile Driver skill, is my opponent
able to make me perform a foul against my own teammate?
A: No, they cannot force you to use the Pile Driver skill.
Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly
model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow (X+)
(or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury rolls),
or can they choose not to? (p.81)
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for
the player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and
Mighty Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as
being the result of a Block action.
Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly
model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow (X+)
(or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury rolls),
or can they choose not to? (p.81)
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for
the player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and
Mighty Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as
being the result of a Block action.
Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a team-mate
that hasn't yet activated during that team turn, can the Knocked
Down player still activate provided they haven't been Stunned or
removed from the pitch? (p.81)
A: Yes.
Q: Will a Prone player that fails its roll for Animal Savagery still
lash out against a team-mate? (p.81)
A: Yes.
Q: If a model with the Animal Savagery trait wishes to use the
Hypnotic Gaze trait, will the bonus +2 to their Animal Savagery
roll as if they were performing a Block or a Blitz action? (p.81
& 85)
A: No.